[Gadi Adelman is] "Leading in the movement in the study of counter-terrorism", Dr. Walid Phares, Advisor to the Anti-Terrorism Caucus in the US House of Representatives

Zeyde Imitates Gadi Adelman

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Rabbi Aryel Nachman Ben Chaim from "The House of Seven Beggars Synagogue" Has a friend named "Zeyde" that he uses with children and adults alike. Well, much to my surprise, "Zeyde" evidently is a fan! Thank you Rabbi!

Comments (3)
  • Rabbi Aryel Nachman  - Zeyde

    Gadi, as they say "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery", and that was the intent with this shpeil. Zeyde and I wishes you much b'ruch and mazel in the work that you do.

  • Reese

    I can NOT believe Rabbi um... Zeyde ... outed me... OMGadi it's such a riot...I so adore Rabbi Nachman, this made me laugh so hard!

  • Larry

    (scratching my head) Why is the Rabbi covering for Zeyde? :?:

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