Why would a police department rule an almost obvious case of murder as an accidental death? Was it political pressure or has political correctness actually surpassed our judicial system?
I have written many an article on Sharia in America. I have written on Dearborn, MI where Sharia takes precedent over our Constitution. I have written on Portland, ME where the District Attorney refused to investigate a bombing by a Muslim. I have written about so called “honor” killings and how our courts treat these murders differently due to Islamic culture.
Now it seems that even murder can be covered up, called an accident and no one is even arrested, let alone charged.
Tampa is a major city on the west coast of Florida. According to the 2010 Census it had a population of 335,709. The Tampa Police Department has grown from its inception in 1887 to over 1000 sworn officers and 350 civilian and support staff personnel today.
The 2010 Census of the population of Tampa could have been 335,710 had it not been for the death of Fatima Abdallah on August 16, 2009.
Fatima’s death is coming up on two years, so why is this just now coming to light? According to the Tampa Bay Tribune article from May 20,
Florida Family Association, a conservative organization, is accusing the Tampa Police Department and the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner's Office of mislabeling the death of a woman two years ago as an accident.
The organization says it has enlisted a private investigator to look into the death of Fatima Abdallah, 48, who was found Aug. 16, 2009, at 8358 Old Town Drive, in the gated subdivision of Grand Hamptons.
The organization thinks Abdallah was beaten to death, possibly in an honor killing. David Caton, the group's executive director, said Abdallah was divorced and couldn't have children. Women are typically victims of honor killings when they bring dishonor to a family.
Caton worries that some law enforcement agencies in the United States have acquiesced to Shariah — Islamic law — when faced with legal controversies involving Muslims.
"We don't want to have cultural laws to form or shape how our laws are enforced in Florida," Caton said.
The organization on Thursday asked Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn and Hillsborough State Attorney Mark Ober to conduct a new investigation into Abdallah's death.
However, Tampa police said they reviewed the case Thursday and decided not to reopen it.
Florida Family explains on their website that they are “an organization that is made up of thousands of supporters across America who share in the same goal of improving America's moral environment.”
I spoke with David Caton, Florida Family executive director about the Fatima Abdallah case. Caton and his organization have gone above and beyond, trying to get this case reopened.
Regardless whether you agree or not with the biblical values of this organization, they are a non-profit that relies on public donations. I point this out because they, like any non-profit today, are hurting for lack of funds. Having seen an injustice they hired a private investigator to look into Fatima’s death.
The Tampa Police Department and the Medical examiner determined that Fatima Abdallah died after she allegedly beat her own head against a coffee table and then on the floor until she died. Her death was ruled accidental and the case was closed.
Actually, Tampa Police and the Medical examiner don’t agree, which is one of the problems with this case. Tampa Police concluded she beat her own head on the table repeatedly while the Medical Examiner says she fell and struck her head on the table and died.
Tampa Police photo of coffee table.
This goes much farther than the obvious ludicrousness that someone would commit suicide by beating their own head on a table. The inconsistencies in the police reports and statements, the 911 call report, the Tampa Fire Department medics and the Medical examiner are astounding.
I come at this with a different perspective. Unbeknownst to most readers, I have a background in both the medical and investigative fields. I spent over 5 years with EMS as a Paramedic, 6 years as a Trauma nurse in an emergency room and spent several years as a mitigation investigator of capital punishment cases as a State employee. I have seen more crime scenes than I care to even think about and served as an expert witness on death penalty cases.
I have read and re-read the all Tampa Police reports along with the 911 hardcopy call report, the Medical examiner report as well as the Private Investigators findings. I have examined all 158 Tampa Police photos from the crime scene and in my professional opinion this was an obvious case of murder, plain and simple.
Putting my opinions aside since many will feel my opinion is biased, let’s look at the actual facts, circumstances and statements according to the Tampa Police reports. Here are some obvious questions.
Why does the call to 911 dispatch give a completely different version of what happened to Fatima than what was reported by detectives on the scene?
The 911 report states,
Received 911 call from Muhammad Hmeid at 2105 hours. He stated his sister (Fatima) was down and unconscious, unknown if she was breathing, he just found her. He stated she was cleaning and possibly overcome by fumes, doesn’t know if mother (of Fatima) was home, but she doesn’t know or speak English. He also stated she had blood coming from her mouth and nose.
This account was confirmed according to the written report of the first Police Officer on the scene, Officer James Perrone,
On 8/16/2009, at 2105 hours, this incident was dispatched as a priority-one “information” call. Per the dispatch details, the decedent was discovered unconscious and unresponsive within the family shared residence. The call details also noted that the decedent had been cleaning, and may have passed out due to cleaning product fumes.
According to the same Officer’s report,
Sometime between the hours of 1830 and 2100, the decedent allegedly slammed her head into a wood coffee table; multiple times. This was pursuant to a verbal altercation with the decedent’s mother (Nafish Kahla).
According to Officer Thomas Mayer, who interviewed Ali Alkahla, Fatima’s brother,
He (Alkahla) advised that he was in Ft. Myers, Fl visiting relatives when he received a phone call from his mother at approximately 1830-1840. His mother told him his sister was “acting up again” and she had been hitting her head on a table. She told him he needed to come home. His was on his way home when he received a second phone call from his mother on his cell phone at approximately 1900 hours. His mother told him his sister was now on the floor and she would not answer her (his mother). He told her to hang up and call “911” his mother told him she didn’t know how to do that. He did not call 911 himself as he did not know at the time what was going on at the house and did not know that his sister was not breathing. It took him approximately two hours to get home from Ft. Myers.
According to the report Ali Alkahla called 911 after he arrived home.
Another brother of Fatima, Muhammad Hmeid claimed he was at work when all this occurred and received a phone call from his brother Ali Alkahla saying something was wrong at the house, but his cell phone died. According to the report by Officer Andrea Casale who interviewed him,
He stated his phone died during the conversation with his brother because the battery was low. He stated he continued to receive phone calls but that he still was not sure about what was going on.
Later in his statement he claimed that his mother told him,
Fatima then threw herself down, attempting to pull away from her mother. When she went down to the ground, she struck her face on the coffee table. She began to get up and grabbed onto her face, noticing that her face was all bloody. She then took her head and smashed into the coffee table repeatedly several times, on her on accord.
Towards the end of his statement to police, he said,
He stated that she (the mother) did not call 911 because she doesn’t know how to use the phone very well and she just kept hitting the numbers on the telephone.
So why did these five family members wait 2 ½ hours before calling 911? The mother, three brothers and sister-in-law allegedly knew of Fatima’s injuries but waited 2 ½ hours until Ali Alkahla allegedly arrived from Ft. Myers to call 911.
What’s more, the 911 dispatch report states that Muhammad called 911 not Ali. The dispatch call also states she was discovered unconscious while Muhammad stated his mother witnessed that “she then took her head and smashed into the coffee table repeatedly several times, on her on accord.”
How is it that Muhammad “continued to receive phone calls but that he still was not sure about what was going on” if his cell phone was dead? And, if they were contacting him on a different cell or a work phone, why was it so difficult to explain to him what had happened? He was only 10 minutes away from the scene while at work.
Why did Fatima’s mother claim that she couldn’t call 911 because she “didn’t know how to do that”, yet she had no trouble calling Fatima’s brothers several times? No one could explain to her how to “push the 9, the 1 and the 1”?
One of the first on the scene was Paramedic Lt. Scott Ashley with Tampa Rescue #21. He was interviewed later by the Private Investigator, Prestige Investigations, Inc. He stated,
“He did remember the call and stated that when he got to the scene he observed the decedent and thought that ‘someone had beat the crap out of her.” Lt. Ashley also said that “it would be very difficult for someone to hit their heads hard enough to cause loss of consciousness. It would be similar to someone stopping their breathing and causing their death.”
The Tampa Police relied on Fatima’s brothers to translate their questions and answers to Fatima’s mother, rather than getting an independent translator. Immediately following Fatima’s funeral days later, her mother was sent out of the U.S. and has yet to return.
Fatima also suffered broken ribs which were not properly explained or accounted for in the Tampa Police report. Fatima’s lower right ribs were broken. The Medical examiner attributed the broken ribs to CPR but Tampa Rescue Medics said that no CPR was performed.
The Medical examiner report states “There are rib fractures from cardiopulmonary resuscitation. On the right side, ribs 4 and 5 are fractured and in the posterior ribs 5 – 9 are fractured”. However, Paramedic Lt. Scott Ashley stated,
“No CPR was performed by Tampa Rescue as the decedent was already dead and had been for some time.”
Lt. Ashley was asked to comment on the broken ribs after reviewing the Autopsy Report. Lt. Ashley advised “CPR injuries usually occur around the sternum (breast bone) and in the anterior aspect. The fractures of ribs 5-9 in the posterior aspect would not be common of injury from CPR.”
The Medical Examiner’s report also stated,
The intercostal muscles showed signs of hemorrhage in the area of these broken ribs.
The intercostal muscles are located in between each rib. Hemorrhage would be normal in cases of blunt trauma to the rib cage, not CPR.
The Medical examiner determined that the “Manner of Death” was “Accident (Decedent Fell and struck her head on table)” This is totally inconsistent with the Tampa police report accounts from Muhammad and Nafish which states that the deceased deliberately and repeatedly slammed her head onto a coffee table and the carpet floor.
The Medical examiner report also notates the cut on Fatima’s left cheek,
The left cheek is swollen and there is a 1.5 x 1.5 centimeter red abrasion that forms an “L”
Looking at the table and this cut, one has to wonder how she could cut her face in a “L” shape hitting the table. Perhaps it would have matched up to a ring someone was wearing?
Blood splatter spots were also found on a large brown sweatshirt in the room with Fatima and are unexplained. Tampa Police even collected and tagged this shirt. The spots in the crime scene photos look like they have been wiped in attempt to clean them. Tampa Police never identified the owner of the shirt or even determined if this was blood spatter versus blood transfer. They don’t question who the blood came from or investigate how the blood got on the shirt. This shirt was important enough that a crime scene technician took sixteen pictures of it.
Blood spots on one stair step were never questioned or explained. How did blood spatter spots end up on the fifth step down from the top of the stairs as shown in crime scene photographs? Again, all the spots look like they have been wiped and smeared in attempts to clean.
A blue towel was also found on the floor of the scene and never questioned. The photo shows that this towel was obviously used in an attempt to clean up blood on the carpet. There is an exact mirror image of the blood stain from the floor on the towel as it was pressed onto the carpet in order to soak up the blood.
These pictures were all taken by Tampa Police when they arrived on scene. Why did family members try and clean up the blood on the scene during the two hours before calling 911? I guess it was more important to clean rather than worry about Fatima.
Tampa Police never interviewed any neighbors, yet the private investigator uncovered that the next door neighbor was not only friends with Fatima, but knew a lot more than the Police report reveals,
Fatima’s family would not let her return to Brazil or the Middle East or leave the house on her own. Fatima was primarily confined to the home where she was the subject of constant arguments with several members of the family. Fatima was not allowed to drive even though she had a valid license.
At some point in time, Fatima had told her that older brother, (name not mentioned), treated her badly and had done unthinkable things to her. The deceased asked the neighbor not to speak about it.
A neighbor said that deceased was divorced and that was shameful in the Muslim family, that her father did not live in the house and that the son Ali was the eldest son and he was the one who protected the honor of the family in his father’s stead.
The Private investigator also uncovered that Muhammad Abdallah Hmeid has a record,
he was arrested on February 6, 2010 for “aggravated assault – using a deadly weapon” according to Temple Terrace Police Report number 2010-00530. This document is labeled Arrest. Muhammad allegedly struck a man in the head with the butt of his 9mm hand gun during an altercation causing the man’s head to bleed extensively. The man allegedly struck in the head sued Muhammad Hmeid on June 10, 2010 in Hillsborough County Circuit Court Case 10-CA-011943.
Within the Tampa Police report itself there are also inconsistencies among the Officers and Detectives themselves,
Detective Durkin listed the death as “Caused by Undetermined."
CST Matthew Evans listed the offense as “Homicide.”
And CST Shelby Garman listed the offense as “Unexplained Death.”
There is much more to this case than I can even list here. I urge you to go to the Florida Family website article to read all the reports in full, look at the pictures yourself and come to your own conclusions. Be aware that many of the pictures are extremely graphic.
This case can’t end here, it begs the question, if Fatima was murdered what possessed the Tampa Police and the Medical examiner to cover it up?
Was it political pressure or have we actually reached a point where political correctness dictates the way we investigate one of the most heinous crimes we know, murder?
An anonymous email claimed that Fatima Abdallah is related to a high ranking member of CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), this has yet to be confirmed, but then again…
And here we go again... Will Fatima ever be vindicated, doubtful. Thanks for laying this out for us, Gadi.