Where: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
When: March 16, 2011 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Keep this date open on your calenders and plan to be there! To plan or arrange transportation please contact Jason Campbell, Project Manager at 434-851-5584 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Gadi Adelman is among the list of speakers planned for American Citizenship: What the Ground Zero Mosque Means for Americans!
Imam Rauf is coming to the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill to lecture on something he values, “American Citizenship.” And we could not agree with him more on the importance of American citizenship!
That’s why we are asking you to come to our event on the same night nearby called, American Citizenship: What the Ground Zero Mosque Means for Americans. Exercise your citizenship by showing your opposition to the Ground Zero mosque and using your freedoms of assembly and speech to stop it!
As the “soft jihad” progresses by taking advantage of our freedoms, we must use those same freedoms to stop it. Make plans now to attend for an event you won’t want to miss! Come and see a free viewing of our film, “Sacrificed Survivors: The Untold Story of the Ground Zero Mega-Mosque” and meet those who lived through the events of 9/11 and lost family members and friends on that day.
To ensure the security of the event, we are not announcing the exact location of the event until one week prior, but it will be in the vicinity of Rauf’s speaking engagement so that he, and all the media covering him, can hear our voices.
Contact Jason Campbell at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to RSVP and share your thoughts on how to make the event as big as possible.
The currently booked speakers include:
- Martin Mawyer, the President of the Christian Action Network and producer of “Sacrificed Survivors: The Untold Story of the Ground Zero Mega Mosque.”
- Tim Brown, a retired New York City firefighter and first responder on 9/11. He is also the founder of The Bravest, an organization supporting the families of the fallen members of the New York Fire Department and is a leading critic of Park51.
- Michael Burke, the brother of Captain Billy Burke, a New York City firefighter whose life was lost on 9/11. He will tell you the heroic story of his brother, who safely exited the World Trade Center and instead of choosing to return home to his family, re-entered the attacked building to save the lives of others.
- Nonie Darwish, an Egyptian-American human rights activist and founder of Arabs for Israel and director of Former Muslims United. She is a leading voice against radical Islam, especially “the Middle Eastern Islamic culture and the propaganda of hatred taught to children from birth.”
- Andy Sullivan, the founder of the 9/11 Hard Hat Pledge, a petition signed by construction workers pledging to never participate in the construction of the Ground Zero Mosque. He escaped the World Trade Center before it collapsed and worked for weeks with the bucket brigade to search for survivors and the remains of victims in the rubble.
- Gadi Adelman, Counter terror expert, author and host of “America Akbar” radio show has studied terror and Islam for over 35 years. He has written extensively on the Ground Zero mosque as well as its founder Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf and his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. He lectures and teaches to our law enforcement and has been outspoken on the threat of Sharia law and terrorism since returning to the United States from Israel in 1981.
We look forward to meeting each and every one of you in North Carolina!
Looks to be a great line up of speakers...Will have to check out my schedule.