More than 20 countries across the Middle East and beyond are protesting our embassies; it has been violent and even deadly. But is the big picture is being missed?
Tearing down the flag at the U.S. embassy in Cairo, September 11, 2012
It’s not the videotape stupid.
I am at my wits end hearing how a 14 minute trailer on YouTube, “Muhammad Movie Trailer - Innocence Of Muslims”, is the cause of these protests and riots.
Let’s get a couple of things straight from the get go. The movie was originally uploaded to YouTube in June, almost 4 months ago. Does the World Wide Web work instantaneously everywhere except in Arab countries?
After being up on the web since June it also just so happens that all these Arab nations saw at the exact same time and it just happened to be on September 11. It had nothing to do with the almost hour long video released by Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri that same day asking “Muslims worldwide to focus their efforts on fighting the U.S.”
Having said all that, let’s look at the even more than obvious. The Muslims we see protesting don’t need a reason to hate us, they always have. This goes back 211 years to the Barbary Coast wars, Thomas Jefferson and the Ottoman Empire.
Then there is the attack that killed the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens and staff members, Sean Smith, Glen A. Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods. This was a terrorist attack and I would stake my reputation on that!
On September 12, long before any other information had even started to come out I did a video “Gadi Adelman on the Embassy attacks” in which I stated about the attack on the Libyan Consulate,
“Again I say it was an excuse, [the Mohammed video] because it was 9/11 and you can bet your bottom dollar, connect the dots, Al-Qaeda was behind this”.
It is so obvious that what occurred in Libya was not a “protest gone bad” that it is ridiculous. Every expert on the subject from those in the military to former Consulate Marine guards to former diplomats have said this was a well-planned, precise military attack from start to finish.
Yet, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice was all over the TV this past Sunday reiterating the Obama administration’s spiel that the deadly violence across the Middle East was all the result of the anti-Muslim video.
Rice stated on Fox News Sunday,
“The best information and the best assessment we have today is that this was not a pre-planned, pre-meditated attack. What happened initially was that it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo as a consequence of the video. People gathered outside the embassy and then it grew very violent. And those with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy weapons, which unfortunately are quite common in post-revolutionary Libya, and that then spun out of control.”
Maybe with some video and common sense we can prove this was no protest “that then spun out of control”.
What was missing from that video? It was obviously taken at the time the building was burning. It had to have been filmed shortly after the attack. So, for the obvious question… Where were all the protesters?
If it’s one thing we have had no shortage of, its pictures and videos of Islamic protests. Hundreds or thousands of people screaming, throwing things, dancing, burning the flag, where were they?
You can’t have “a protest that spun out of control” without protesters. What’s more is the statement from the Interim Libyan President, Mohamed Yusuf al-Magariaf,
“The way these perpetrators acted and moved, and their choosing the specific date for this so-called demonstration, this leaves us with no doubt that this was preplanned, predetermined.”
There is absolutely no reason for Magariaf to admit that this was preplanned. From a political stand point it would have been better for him to make both himself and his country be void of any blame by just agreeing it was spontaneous.
The problem here once again is the media. I wrote in an article back in February 2011, in which I stated,
“Right now the Middle East is like a book of matches with sparks flying all around it, sooner or later a spark is going to hit the matches and the whole thing will go up in flames.”
Well, the spark has hit the matches; the issue is that the media seems to have a one track mind. There are other things going on that are just as important from a national security standpoint. Did we all of sudden forget Syria and the deaths of over 30,000 civilians which is still ongoing today, did we forget about Iran and their rush to nuclear weapons?
With everything going on in that region one thing is for sure, it is all connected and it is all important. We truly are on the verge of another Middle East conflict and it can easily progress beyond the region.
It would only take one missile, be it by mistake or intentional, to kill or injury American troops to drag the U.S. in to another war, for that matter how many countries are there representing NATO in the area right now?
2012-09-18 21:19:04 |24.11.97.xxx| RAN - "Curiouser and Curiouser Cried Alice"
As much as I dislike Oliver Stone, I just have to quote his movie "JFK" in regards to this article:
"We're through the looking glass here people..."
2012-09-18 23:50:58 |46.116.96.xxx| Varda Epstein - It's the Election, Stupid
The US is trying hard to deflect attention from this entire issue and is certainly not trying to get to the bottom of what happened--at least not in public. Obama is worried about one thing right now, and it sure isn't how he effed up in protecting Chris Stevens.
2012-09-19 01:12:52 |99.139.226.xxx| Ann - and a distration as well as a trigger
does anyone remember fast and furious or notice that 120 inmates escaped in Mexico or that chavez left our hostages and boats go...? And so many other things. a MOVIE? No chance. china has its people in riots over Japn, burning down car lots. violence and radicals actions in Australia in the government and schools....half the evil is not even being seen. It has just begun.
2012-10-02 23:42:38 |24.45.243.xxx| Rick D'Alton
Dear Gadi .....
Sadly, we have the government we have allowed, muslim Brotherhood et al. Perhaps you could scream a little louder? I would love to help, but complacent godless Americans are quite comfortable wrapped in this inescapable 'alien'
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I totally agree with you Gadi. I, too wrote an article about the so-called protests and the anti-Muslim film. I am convinced and have been since the demonstrations in Cairo and especially the attack on our Consulate in Libya that this was a planned attack and well orchestrated by radical Arabs and/or Muslims. Why wasn't there more security at all of our consulates and embassies especially on 9/11. If this was a protest over that stupid film why was it necessary for heavy weapons to be brought in? Why were there rocket-propelled weapons used? Why were the so-called protestors informed about where Ambassador Stevens was? Why was the safe house not safe for him? Why was he sodomized before he was killed? This was not, as Ambassador Rice said, a spontaneous outbreak of violence. He was not caught in the cross fire of a violent protest. This was a pre-planned attack. They knew what and who they were after. The anti-Muslim film was only a catalyst to the terrorism that took place in Cairo, Libya and elsewhere in the Middle East and other countries outside the Middle East. This was a perfect time for Islam to show their extreme hatred toward America. It wasn't enough that they attacked us on our soil, but now they attack what is virtually our property (consulates and embassies)in their countries. Where was the protection that is supposed to be there for our diplomats? Because it was the anniversary of 9/11 why wasn't security beefed up?
I, too am sick to death hearing about that film. There is something much bigger going on that continues to fan the flames of hatred toward America and spreading it around the world. It is no secret that the Muslim/Arab countries have no love for us but there is something evil working to spread the hatred.