[Gadi Adelman is] "Leading in the movement in the study of counter-terrorism", Dr. Walid Phares, Advisor to the Anti-Terrorism Caucus in the US House of Representatives

Recent Articles from Gadi Adelman

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What Difference Does It Make? Arguably the most known statement by former Secretary of State and current Democratic Presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is the statement she made during the Benghazi hearings in January 2013..
Leading from behind doesn’t work With the current situation in the world, now more than ever, the debate on United States national security should be front and center. Thanks to Concerned Veterans for America (CVA), it is.
Not If, But When Over 3 years ago I wrote about the TSA and called it “window dressing”, now on the heels of knives being allowed back on planes and a fake bomb making it through security, a former TSA agent has come forward and stated what I’ve known all along.
And I’m The “Islamaphobe” Over the years I have been called many things and received so many death threats I’ve stopped counting. I’ve written hundreds of articles with examples of ‘stealth Jihad’ and ‘creeping Sharia’ from our schools to our courts to so called ‘honor killings’ and yet most people refuse to even see it. Now it’s become a “standard curriculum” for our schools through CSCOPE.

INTN Interview 11/12/12

User Rating: / 3

My interview by Michael David McGuire on the INTN show "Perspectives" from 11/12/12


To listen click on the INTN logo


Gadi Adelman on the Embassy attacks

User Rating: / 11


Gadi Adelman on Obama and Israel

User Rating: / 23


Madison Rising One Million Star Spangled Banner Challenge!

User Rating: / 16

Madison Rising One Million Star Spangled Banner Challenge!

Gadi was fortunate to have Madison Rising and their manager on the 100th episode of 'America Akbar', their rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner" has hit number 1 on and Gadi invites everyone to take the Madison Rising One Million Star Spangled Banner Challenge!

Help Madison Rising reach 1 million views & downloads by Election Day (November 6th).

Watch the video NOW. If you like what you see, download the song from one of the sites below.

Help Madison Rising keep the Banner flying and show EVERYONE that you are one of the millions of hard working people in this country that is still proud to be an American.




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Although Gadi's Facebook is way over the limit of 5000 friends you can still join his 'Fan Page' which is unlimited. Everything Gadi posts on his regular page also gets posted on the Fan Page.

Click on the link above and keep up with Gadi on a daily basis!



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